‘SPSL Step in the Right Direction – Escapism from the Screen’
SPSL is delighted to announce a new initiative to encourage students and staff to get more active and to reduce their screen time.
Our students have been very diligent during this period of on-line learning and we are so proud of their efforts to remain engaged. We understand the difficulties involved in remote learning, especially the huge increase in time spent on mobile devices.
So we are introducing the Step in the Right Direction - Escapism from the Screen - which will be rolled out before mid-term break with tutors and year heads giving full details to their classes and continuing until March 22nd 2021.
SPSL students have always had a competitive streak, be in in basketball, football, YSI, Maths Quizzes, Student Enterprise Awards, Build A Bank Competitions, Debating, Toastmasters, and more recently BT Young Scientist to name just some of our students' endeavours so we are sure that once again our students can be counted on to rise to this challenge while becoming more active and reducing their screen time once school is finished for the day.
AND! of course with the added incentive of prizes for highest step count for classes, year groups and the chance to beat the teachers we are sure that our students will enjoy this challenge.