Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra

Home Economics

Home Economics

Junior Cycle Home Economics

Junior Cycle Home Economics develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and values necessary to achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual and as a member of families and society.

Course outline:

There are three strands

Strand 1: Food, health and culinary skills

Strand 2: Responsible Living

Strand 3: Textiles and Craft

Assessment for Junior Cycle Home Economics

Written examination: 50% of final examination mark. There will be one examination paper at a common level. This is marked by the State Examinations Commission.

Practical Food skills examination: 50% of final examination mark. It is based on CBA 2, the food literacy skills brief. Students will demonstrate culinary and creative food literacy skills in the implementation of the chosen brief. They will have one and a half hours plus 30 minutes preparation time. Issued and marked by the State Examinations Commission.

Classroom-based Assessments (CBA’s)

CBA’s are completed during normal class time, are individual projects and are assessed by the class teacher.

CBA 1: Creative textiles will be completed in second year. The student will make a textile item for an individual or the home or recycle or upcycle a textile item for an individual or the home.

CBA 2: Food literacy skills brief will be completed in third year where the students will research, analyse and plan the requirements of a food literacy brief.

For further information visit:

Home EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome EconomicsHome Economics
05 2025
Pre Exams
10 2025
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11 2025
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11 2025
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3 weeks to go to the opening night of our much anticipated school musical ‘Belle’ which takes place on Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the 27th of February in the school gym.
Contact Us
Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra
An Ráth Mhór
Co. Chiarraí
P51 PR53

064 775 8135
064 7758655

© 2025 Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra